Orange & Ginger soap bar
Orange & Ginger soap bar
Orange & Ginger soap bar

Orange & Ginger soap bar

Lavender Boutique Farm

Regular price $3.00 Sale

  1. Ginger essential oil has a warm, spicy, and slightly sweet aroma.  It combines elements of citrus, earthiness, and a touch of heat.  Its invigorating scent can uplift and energize.
  2. Lavender essential oil offers a calming and floral fragrance.  It has a soothing blend of sweetness, herbaceousness, and freshness.  Its relaxing scent promotes tranquility and stress relief.

Now imagine a harmonious blend of these two scents: the warmth of ginger complemented by the serene floral notes of lavender.  It’s like a cozy hug for your senses!