Lavender Dog Spray
Lavender Boutique Farm
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Spray the dog on its coat and underneath and on its legs since Lavender is a good essential oil to repel mosquitoes and fleas. Also great for the human body too. It does not kill the fleas, just makes them stay away. And stay away they do. This is also great for use in a car with a nervous dog or at any time your dog is over-energized. Lavender oil, Latin name Lavandula angustifolia, is considered one of the most versatile essential oils, creating a sense of peace and harmony and offering a calming effect on dogs, and their humans too. ... A 2006 study found that using lavender essential oil on dogs reduced their movement and vocalization during travel. The ASPCA and Animal Planet do not include lavender on their lists of plants and herbs that are potentially poisonous to cats, meaning a lavender plant in your garden or home poses no danger.